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Laser Hair & Tattoo Removal

Glow Coast Medical Spa uses leading laser technology to perform laser hair and laser tattoo removal.


Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive skin treatment for permanent hair reduction. The laser is a single wavelength of light. When treating the desired area, the laser penetrates through the epidermis and destroys the hair follicle. The Spectrum diode laser will reduce and may permanently remove unsightly body hair.

What areas can be treated?

Laser hair removal treatments can be performed on the back, legs, arms, underarms, chest, bikini area, beard, lips, hands, toes, and hair line. The Spectrum Diode laser can be used on all skin types and colors. 

What to expect during a laser hair removal treatment:

During your initial consultation, your practitioner may provide you with  numbing cream. This is to be applied one hour before treatment. You will be given a pair of goggles to protect your eyes during treatment. 

How frequently will i need treatments?

It is recommended for patients to have 5 or more sessions every 6-10 weeks with the hair removal laser.

What to expect after a laser hair removal treatment:

The procedures are fast and there is generally no down time. The initial sensation is much like sunburn. Care must be taken after treatment to ensure infection and skin damage does not occur. Potential complications include burning, scarring, or hypopigmentation [no color in the skin].


Laser Tattoo Removal

The Spectrum laser uses dual wavelength technology to target specific ink colors. 

How does laser tattoo removal work?

The Spectrum laser uses "Gold Standard" Q-Switched technology to remove unwanted tattoos. The dual wavelength laser targets specific ink pigments. The tattoo ink is then broken down into tiny particles that are small enough so that the body's own natural immune system can flush them away. 

Who can be treated?

The Spectrum laser can be used on all skin colors. However, some considerations to keep in mind are the ink colors; some colors like black, blue and red are relatively easy to remove. Lighter colors are relatively easily faded; yellows and greens are the most difficult to treat.

What to expect during a Laser tattoo removal treatment:

Your practitioner will consult you before treatment taking a history of health and skin and photograph the area. At your consultation, you will be given a numbing cream. You are to apply this cream one hour before treatment. This treatment can be very uncomfortable, so proper numbing is very important. You will be given a pair of glasses to protect your eyes during treatment. 

How many treatments will you  need?

There are a few factors which determine the number of treatments you may require; skin type, tattoo color, and tattoo complexity. Most tattoos can be removed within 3 to 12 session spaced 8 to 12 weeks apart.

What to expect after a Laser Tattoo removal treatment:

The initial sensation is much like sunburn. Care must be taken after treatment to ensure infection and skin damage does not occur. Potential complications include burning, scarring, hypopigmentation [no color in the skin] and incomplete tattoo removal. 

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